Friday, March 20, 2020


Selling tickets online sometimes for free is not a tuff task nowadays. Being a digital everything has become easy if you have the internet. Just the most important thing is you have to be more social.
We are here to discuss 10 best ways to sell event tickets online free for free.

Facebook is everyone’s friend these days so is yours too. As everyone is on facebook these days, so it is a pretty easy way to sell tickets here. By this you can even reach your niche audience as well who are waiting for these types of tickets.

First come First Serve
Make the deals at discounts to attract more people to buy more tickets and to buy early. First come first serve can give you the best result.

Show live videos with fun
Show people how much fun your audience did in the last event. For this you have to focus on taking more photos and videos while your event is live. This can be used on social media later on for reference.

Use of #hashtag
Create a specific hashtag for every event to make it viral on social media. Also make sure this hashtag is also visible on the website you are selling tickets on.

A picture speaks a lot
A picture for any event will itself define what your event is about and how much fun your audience is going to make by this event. It’s not necessary for you to take pictures from the best cameras. The only thing that matters is your image should make the people more excited about the event.

Words are important to communicate
Always describe your event in details whether it is on your website or a third party website event page. Descriptive information makes you easy to communicate with your event lovers. So let them know what your ticket is about and what will be included in that.

Alert through Media
Let your event reach to more people through news or media. This is important because some people are still not on the internet but they are pretty in touch with media or newspapers.

Take help of Influencers
You can take the help of influencers in your community to spread your words. They make take something in return but it’s good to best site to buy concert tickets without fees through them. Every people attracts more through influencers as they have reach and feminism.

Introduce your guests
If you have some important guests who are attending your event. Let the people know about them. Place their recognizable image in most of your advertising details. Tweet this or place a great pic of them on Instagram because guests like these bring their own publicity.

Reserve some tickets for free
Believe it, it’s to sell some tickets for free but in the end when you have more tickets left and you see that it’s the end of the to sell any tickets. It’s good then wasting any.

I think these ideas will help you sell your tickets more easily and early next time. Keep on posting in comments if you have more ideas like this to help others sell their tickets.

Thanks for reading this. Hope this blog will help you.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Everything about High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

top medical experts

High blood pressure or hypertension caused due to the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. It usually has no symptoms, so you need to get regular blood pressure checkups from your health care providers. Your blood pressure measurement takes into account with the help of stethoscope or electric sensors and a blood pressure cuff. It helps to measure how much blood is passing through your blood vessels and how much blood resistance takes place when the heart is pumping each time.

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. You can have hypertension or high blood pressure for years without any symptoms and can damage to blood vessels and heart if not detected early. With time it can be uncontrollable and increase the risk of severe health problems like sudden heart attack, stroke and many more. Once you identify that you are suffering from high blood pressure, you can consult top medical experts to control it.  

What are the different types of high blood pressure?
There are basically two main types of high blood pressure:
Primary High Blood Pressure: Primary high blood pressure or idiopathic hypertension is a form of hypertension that has no definite identifiable cause. It is the most common type of blood pressure that further leads to several health complications including heart attacks and strokes. Typically, it doesn't cause any symptoms which means it is essential to meet your doctor and check high blood pressure at least a couple of times a year. 

Secondary High Blood Pressure: when the blood pressure caused by another factor like Pregnancy, Use of birth control pills, Alcohol addiction, narrowing of the aorta, Sleep apnea etc. this is called secondary hypertension. Like primary hypertension secondary hypertension also has no specific signs and symptoms, so it's better to go for the regular checkups to your doctor and treat it as early as it diagnosed.

Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure Include:  
Age and Gender: Age is the primary and most important factor for high blood pressure the risk may increase as we get older.

Genetic Factors: Hypertension may also cause due to genetic errors. A family history of hypertension may also put a person at a higher risk category.

Smoking or Alcoholic: People who smoke or drink alcohol is at major risk for high blood pressure.
Physical Activities and Exercise: People who are not involved in any sort of physical activity or training leads to a weak heart and obesity. This can cause hypertension.

online consultation

Other Medical Problems: Hormonal imbalance, tumours or other medical issues can cause hypertension.

Symptoms and Signs of Hypertension:

Below listed are some symptoms of extremely high blood pressure (Hypertension): 
·         Vision problems
·         Extreme Chest pain
·         Thrashing in your chest, neck, or ears
·         A severe headache
·         Difficulty in breathing
·         Stress and Exhaustion
·         Nosebleeds

When to See a Doctor:

If you're feeling any of the above symptoms, then it's time to see a doctor as early as possible. Ask your doctor for blood pressure readings at least twice a year. If you're age 40 or older, or you're 18 to 39 with a high risk of high blood pressure, ask your doctor for a blood pressure reading every year, or you can also go for online consultation with experts.